
 Tasmanian Europa Poets Gazette No 181 May 2019 

Joe Lake's Models, acrylic on canvas, 90/40

Six Of The Best

Amnesty International
Beyond Blue
Dying With Dignity
Fred Hollows Foundation
Médecins Sans Frontières
Mouth And Foot Painting Artists
               This is my list,
Six of the best.
Organisations worthy of and needful of our support
Both financial and moral.
               Perhaps you have or will make a similar list.
Just a little bit of help from everyone of us
Will make a difference.

Philip Harper

Oh no! Not You Again

There’s a song that’s going around in my head.
It’s not one of my favourites
But a strange one instead.
I don’t know the lyrics, so I can’t sing along
“Oh no! Not you again”, strong, strong, strong, strong
Are the only words I know.
After all, it came out 30-odd years ago.
Maybe it is on You Tube, a song by Australian Crawl.
“Oh no! Not you again”. Yes! It’s there after all!
I am quite fond of this song. It’s catchy
I will play it again.
But who is that young man singing?
It is not James Reyne.
I’ll look it up on Google. Oh! It’s Guy McDonough.
It says he died 36 years ago.
Now I am feeling sorrow.

Robbie Taylor

Shang Wu

Earth Rise

Go stand waiting in the dark
In the dark of the universe
I make you a star of mine

Go stand there pretending I am not the sky
Do we orbit or gravitate
When we see earthrise
It is delicate and more novel than rainbows and starry sky
I make you a star of mine

Shang Wu

I’m Glad That I Was An Inattentive Child

I’m glad that I wasn’t an attentive child
For if I’d paid attention to
what was taught at school
I’d have regurgitated that
there were no more Aborigines left in Tasmania,
That atheists were evil for they were communists;
I would have believed
That the White Australia Policy was right
And only whites should vote.
And like those in our mother country.
We were superior to all dark-pigmented people.
I would have learnt
That there was only one true religion, Christianity
And that all other people would go to Hell.
               Yes, I’m glad I wasn’t an attentive child,
For today,
If I regurgitated what I would have
               been taught, I would be breaking the law.

Judy Brumby-Lake

Judy Brumby-Lake

Painted Cliffs

The man who personifies Puck plays
               with our perceptions;
each wind-flutter fosters a further transience,
as the magician, once again, ensnares us all.
               A blur of people, mostly women, embrace him,
some too embarrassed or some brash enough
to comment on his mortality
               But there are no shades of the prison house
around this venerable man;
his true intent is all for our delight,
like Shakespeare’s crude mechanicals who played
upon a numinous midsummer night,
and conjured up a wall that wasn’t there.
               But here’s another wall of painted cliffs
that wafts and winnows, weaving its 20m way,
vermilion, ochre, carmine, crimson lake,
sienna, saffron, umber, turmeric and chrome,
evoking sandstone weathered by the wind and waves,
moulded over millennia.
               How can Triassic rock, etched into silk,
become ephemeral?
               I remember my mother unwrapping a parcel of silk,
white, sinuous, shining, diaphanous,
sent by my father from France during the war.
(Did the man with the parachute die,
an easy target on a moonlit night?)
               But she made it into a nightdress for her lover’s
long-postponed return, when, after D-Day,
some of the men came home. And I, a child,
attempted to roll a piece of parachute myself
but lacked the skill in handling the waxed thread
or to prevent the fraying of the edge.
               And here this magic fabric floats around the         
               lissome limbs
of adolescent girls who mingle with the crowd
(newly aware of the power-gaze of men),
the girls who walk in beauty, fragile, transient,
unlike the Painted Cliffs which will endure.
               The jazz piano-man plays for the one alone
who has created something rich and rare,
and asks us all to recognise and share
the treasures that we have, as in the song
you never know what you have got
until it’s gone.

Mary Kille

The Drummer Boy

I have a nephew called David Jones
and ever since he was little,
he played the drums. His sister played
the piano. As David got older,
his drumming was music to the ear.
One day, my son said to me,
“Look at this, I saw a picture of David Jones,
my nephew, on the front cover,
top drummer of Australia. Just think,
10 pages of David.”
From a little acorn, he grew into a big tree.
Now he teaches the drumming,
there will be more little acorns
growing into big trees and giving
people music for happiness.

Yvonne Matheson

The Promise

A promise made is a promise kept
               To you loathsome knave whose
wicked chicanery
Took all dear things, including my life,
most painfully
A vow of vengeance that I shall witness
The day of your reckoning I shall look
on with grimness
               To Death I told of my fervent desire
Lo, he informed me of your imminent arrival
And permitted me to stalk my sincerest rival
With sword you fought foe on cliff top high
When I appeared with sound-grating
whisper of sigh
A ghastly sight hailing a crumbling face
of hoar to greet
Death’s frayed cloak of darkness
whipping about my feet
Me you see and oh rejoice to cause
your fatal error
Your misstep sending you over cliff edge
in terror
               Now in this grave demesne
In the shadows Death is nodding,
and I crow with glee
But when the words do come I utter
them solemnly
               A promise made is binding

Catherine Burton


Missed in the clamour,
Nowhere to run to,
No hiding place,
No toss of words,
No confiding,
No peace in that quiet place,
No sanctuary,
No solace in the two,
The one of two,
The whole in this confusion,
Where trains rumble,
Dog barks, close,
Cat demands, underfoot,
Half smile,
Laugh stifled in the pain
and the interminable sameness;
He misses you, dear lady,
Where is she now in this
sun-drenched gold of autumn?
Is she there?
Will he see you at the window?
Will he hear you at the silent bell of lunch?
Will he see you by the weeping tree?

Michael Garrad April 2019


The Joker dances upon a dream,
Tricks real time in lively slumber,
Connects in mischief,
An imagined moment,
In unconscious relief,
Vision impaired through
needy double lens,
This beautiful surreal,
In waking hour, believed,
Banished in early sun
to memory’s confusion,
The possible lost in shadows,
Joker plays this night game,
When curtain smothers,
And wishes are twisted.

Michael Garrad April 2019


When I think of trees I know I can travel the world -
Any time I choose.
I close my eyes and I’m in England.
Breathing in old-world charm of the ash, oak and elm.
Now I’m in Canada, standing under a beloved maple -
Next I’m in California, in awe of those
               ethereal redwoods,
And now I’m in Spain and Greece, where olive trees
Yield such luscious delicacies - oh yes, more please!
On to the Pacific Islands, where swaying palms
Speak of sunny sojourns and romantic indulgence -
Mine I hope! Then - back home on a breeze to Australia
I’ve been everywhere and now my only desire
Is to find that famous billabong and stretch out to rest -
‘Under the shade of a coolibah tree.’

June Maureen Hitchcock

Another Planet

I dreamed that I visited another planet.
I was welcomed and made to feel at home.
Everyone there lived in peace.
There were no weapons; there was no violence.
The people treated each other with respect and kindness.
Their diet was vegetarian and they made
lab-produced meat for animals that required it.
Food was produced and distributed in such a way
that no one went hungry.
They grew more trees than they cut down,
They spent lots of time outdoors, walking
and playing outdoor sports.
Clean energy sources were used to run
their power plants and vehicles.
School hours were only four hours a day
and work only six hours.
This gave people more time to spend with family and friends.
Creative pursuits such as music and writing and art
were encouraged.
There was some religious belief but there
was no concept of Hell.
They had discovered a cure for cancer
and eliminated most other diseases.
Average life expectancy was around 100 years.
I was so happy on this other world
that I wanted to stay there forever.

Cathy Weaver

Not In Control

I am the captain of my ship’s demise
To guide it on before its fuel runs out.
I steer it to an island’s paradise
Where I will know what life is all about.
               My ship was battered in some angry storms;
It has seen beaches white as wedding gowns;
It has seen city skylines as stark forms
Created by parading, chanting clowns.
               With fuel all spent it’s forced me onto land
Where young pretenders beat their culture’s scream.
I’ve dug my grave to wait for it to end.
The ship sinks to its locker, there to dream.
               I may have seen of this and so much more
               And yet I am as clueless as before.

Joe Lake

World Peace

It is not difficult to get
World peace
               All  you need
               Is everyone
               To stop fighting
Worldwide peace
Is that simple.

Philip Harper


I’ve done nothing today
That is just my way.
It is my ego I obey
A lady of leisure so they say.

Not at all
For I don’t wish to fall
Broken bones
Are not my style.
I would like to peacefully
Ambulate for a further while
And enjoy green leafy trees
The sigh from the sea
Screeching black cockatoos
The bumbling bee
Hear sirens from schools
be enrapt by stillness
Beside a deep river pool
Admire painted skies at sunset
Bright stars before dawn
And catch the cry
of a startled plover
At early morn

That is my way
Of enjoying my days.

Kathleen O’Donnell


Chenilles, Peacocks
And Painted Ladies
Elegant and comfortable
In desert-like
Slate-grey, blue-hued,
Pink-tipped, bright green,
Admitting light,
Preserving moisture
Little reservoirs
On pathways seen.

Kathleen O’Donnell



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